There were a few times over the summer that I thought, (why can't tomorrow be the first day of school) and now I wish we had a few more month. I love spending time with my kids.
They always look so spiffy the first day of school. The end of the first day is a totally different experience though. Jesse will probably be dragging his backpack on the ground, to tired to lift it and Mariah will most likely be covered in ketchup from lunch.
There are days that they can drive me crazy. But I wouldn't have it any other way. They have been the biggest blessing to me from the moment I laid eyes on them. We adopted them both. Jesse came to us the beginning of June and turned 3 July 7th (he turned 20 this past July). He was tiny and wore clothes size 12 month. Mariah came to us the middle of June, had open heart surgery a week later, and turned 3 on August 20th. She was even smaller then her brother. She couldn't walk, crawl or sit up when we got her. She wore size 3 month and was just the cutest little thing you ever saw. She is 13 today. What a great birthday present - SCHOOL.
Thanks for visiting me today and happy crafting.
God Bless