Thursday, August 11, 2011

Making Your Card Making and Gypsy Using Easier.

I'd like to say I'm sorry, this is not the best video that I've done. I have a brain tumor and had a lot of pressure around my brain. So I really had a hard time coming up with the words that I wanted to use. So my speech is a little slower than normal. I figured I'd better tell you all what was going on, I didn't want anyone to think I was intoxicated or worse. Thanks for understanding, I appreciate it.
Thanks for visiting me today and happy crafting!
God Bless


  1. Sherry, what GREAT ideas... I love all of them. I am definitely going to try to to do my punches and cuttlebug folders like that, it will probably take me forever, but what super ideas. I love your videos. Thanks for sharing them with us. hugs

  2. Sherry I just was able to watch this and these are some amazing ideas!! :) I know what I will be busy doing tomorrow!! Thank you for the great video! You will have to show us your bag when you get it embroidered! :)

  3. I love the nook Idea I have been wanting one but I don't read that much :) but this is a good reason to one day go and get one if I get one on sale :) your ideas are great. I love your humor at the top of the video about not being intoxicated

  4. Sherry, these are all such great ideas, thanks so much for sharing! I especially love the idea of placing the patterns of all your embossing folders and punches on a ring like that. My collection is growing so I should probably start something like that! Once I do own a Cricut, I will also make sure to set up something on my laptop like you've done on your Nook, it seems so helpful! Have a wonderful day. :)



All your comments are appreciated.