Monday, May 28, 2012

Becca's Mini Album

This has been one crazy day. It started with a transformer blowing on the poll beside our house at 1 a.m. this morning. Which nearly scared me to death. At about 10 o'clock a tree fell and landed on our patio. Jesse was on the patio at the time and it left a huge dent in the roof directly above where he was standing. I think my heart stopped on that one. I was watching him on the porch, I hear this loud sound and in the blink of an eye the tree was down and Jesse was gone. Thank God, he ran to the corner of the patio when it hit and I screamed for my husband to come help me. As I got to the door he came out from under the table he ran too. I think I held him so tight that I nearly squeezed the stuffing out of him when I got a hold of him. Then our washing machine decided to do something crazy and leaked water and kept running for some strange reason until it ran across the kitchen, through the family room, into the game room and under Jesse's door (completely covering his bedroom floor). I know this because I slipped and fell in it. This is one Memorial Day that I am ready to be over. Sorry about telling you all the bad things that happened today.

Let me show the mini album I made for a very sweet young lady, from my children's church, who came to see me when I was in the hospital.
Thanks for visiting me today and happy crafting.
God Bless


  1. Cute mini!! Sorry you had a bad Holiday weekend :( I pray your week turns out to be better :)

    Hugs, Sheena

  2. i guess you are glad that your weekend is over.. what a scare.


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