Monday, November 14, 2011

Christmas Cards for the "I Feel the Love Program"

This months recipients for the "I Feel the Love Program" are children in a cancer unit who will not be able to go to their own homes for Christmas because they are so ill.  The cards will be hand delivered to each of the patients on Christmas day. If you are interested in learning more about this program and how you can be a part of it just click here and it will take you directly to Funky Cards and Madison's program.
Here is the card that I made along with two others that were made by the kids in my Sunday school class.

We hope that whoever gets these cards know how much they are loved and that prayers are going out for them. We would also like to thank Madison for starting this program and allowing us to be a part of it.
Thanks for visiting me today and happy crafting.
God Bless


  1. Sherry, these are just beautiful! I LOVE how you made the window with the snowman in front - so creative! And your Sunday School class did a marvelous job - what a great way to teach children to GIVE. :) Awesome work as always, my friend. :)


  2. I agree with Nita, what a wonderful way to teach children to think of others.. and you are so amazing to do this.. I am going to try to make a few to send.. thank you for the link. AND i love your snowman, he is just so adorable. i always leave your blog with a smile, you are such an inspiration. hugs

  3. These are gorgeous Sherry! What a wonderful project to make cards for! These cards will be sure to brighten up some of those patients' day!


  4. Love the cards Sherry! I have been busy making some as well. I know these cards will put a big smile on the children's faces.

    Hugs, Sheena

  5. Sherry!!!!! Congrats on making Kristal's DT!!! You ROCK:) And thank you for once again supporting the I Feel the Love Project!!! The cards are beyond adorable. I am going to add the kids' cards to the photo gallery as one picture now and I will separate them when they come in and I can photograph them. I love what you are teaching the kids. You are such a special lady.
    Love, Madison


All your comments are appreciated.